Archive for February, 2008

Met Meet

feb-2008-060.jpgDear Family met at the Met Museum, perchance, on Saturday afternoon, them coming, us going.  By the coatroom, so not so artistic a shot, but full and happy hearts were worn by all – such a fun surprise to see Lizzie & Antoine appear out of nowhere from Montreal!

What a world . . .

February 24, 2008 at 2:16 am 1 comment

Reading Holiday

41gk2jny12l_ss500_.jpgDianaSnowBack before the holiday vacation  I listened to Nick Hornby book: “How to be Good” and liked it VERY much. And then I listened to “The Diana Chronicles” and ate it up like butter.  Getting lucky, except I’m also slogging through “Snow” on my ipod and it’s cruel and unusual punishment – as if the treadmill wasn’t bad enough already.

51ip5wf0grl_ss500_.jpgAnd then I read a book with a very clever title: An Arsonists Guide to Writers’ Homes In New England. And liked it very little. Did anyone else read this? It took weeks, since I’m stubborn like that, and I just never got the hang of it. I’m sure I missed something, since I loved the title and had really high expectations. Or maybe that was the problem.


And then my brother recommended this book, “The Russian Debutante’s Handbook.” Kristine once told me how much she loved it, then I forgot about it. And now I have finished, and again it took a while. This is totally unlike me.  Am I losing my touch or am I, as my mom liked to say in high school, making poor choices?


StargirlAnd for the younger set: LOVED: “Pictures of Hollis Woods.”  Nah: “Stargirl” – and I am a Jerry Spinnelli fanatic so this is seriously disappointing.  Next I plan to read a book recommended by a boy in my class set at Alcatraz called “Al Capone Does My Shirts.”

So, Gentle Readers, any books you are ripping through? Help me with my New Year’s resolution. On my list so far: The Jane Austen Book Club (thanks Candy).  OK, and fiction is about all I do, be forewarned that if you recommend nonfiction, your choice will have to have some serious intrigue for me.  As for fiction, obviously I’ll read any old crap.

February 23, 2008 at 1:14 am 3 comments

February 2008