Archive for November, 2007

Eat Your Breakfast

I don’t. Haven’t in years. Hate it. Gack.


But, Nigella is convincing me differently. Click here to hear her story on breakfast. She says my body is hoarding calories because I don’t eat breakfast. Yeah, right, and it has nothing to do with my nightly chocolate sundae.

But, she is so lovely to listen to, and now I, too, want a “glossy coat” like the dogs who live on avocado farms she mentions. So I ate the english muffin smeared with avocado this morning. And it’s delicious. She says sprinkle with lime, and a little salt. YUM.

I am thankful for breakfast. And COFFEE, of course.

November 21, 2007 at 3:08 am 4 comments

Put Down the Duckie

You asked for it (and I only have a few readers, so I have to keep the ones I have happy!). I have NEVER seen this. THANK YOU.  A whole different era on the Street. I love Itzhak Pearlman, and Paul Simon, and those African guys, and everyone! But who the heck are the two straight-faced people in the Mr. Rogers sweaters and the jammin’ lady in the leopard print blouse & pencil skirt?!

November 9, 2007 at 1:36 am 4 comments

Furry Happy Monsters

How did I miss this? My brother-in-law (one of the millions I have) showed it to us the other night, and it’s perfect. Right down to the muppet-babe singing backup! Enjoy, and please feel free to post other favorite sesame moments, I love them! Off to search sparky the alligator . . . can anyone help?  Any requests?

November 6, 2007 at 1:28 am 2 comments

November 2007